Freight Cost (Required to Update if not picked up at Sulastic Office)

Please get in touch with a Sulastic Representative for a quote. Make sure to include the price and quantities in the cases below. Freight costs depend on the origin and destination address, dimensions, weight of the shipment, and any required accessories such as a liftgate or whether the address is residential or commercial. Prices may vary for each shipment.

Get in touch with a Sulastic Representative at (210) 492-4469  or by filling the form  Freight Quote  (Click Here)  to have the shipping freight quoted

Usually, We respond with the freight quote in the next business day.

To add the freight price to the order, please follow the next instructions.

1)Add the items' quantity and the price of the freight quoted.

  1. One item shipped. Type "1" In Qty: box,  and type the total freight price quoted in the box after the text "Please enter your price"
  2. Multiple items shipped. Because it is required for some items to have a "Freight Cost" item added to the cart. Please type the total number of items to be shipped in the Qty: box and then divide the total freight quoted price by the number of items and type the result in the "Please enter your price" box.  Otherwise, the webpage will not allow you to include the total items to purchase.

2) Select all the accessories required for the delivery and already included in the quote.

3) Add the item to the cart.

4) Proceed to add the items to purchase. 




The price must be from $0.00 to $3,001.00
increase decrease
Free shipping

Get in touch with a Sulastic Representative at (210) 492-4469  or by filling the form  Freight Quote  (Click Here)  to have the shipping freight quoted

Usually, We respond with the freight quote in the next business day.

To add the freight price to the order, please follow the next instructions.

1)Add the items' quantity and the price of the freight quoted.

  1. One item shipped. Type "1" In Qty: box,  and type the total freight price quoted in the box after the text "Please enter your price"
  2. Multiple items shipped. Because it is required for some items to have a "Freight Cost" item added to the cart. Please type the total number of items to be shipped in the Qty: box and then divide the total freight quoted price by the number of items and type the result in the "Please enter your price" box.  Otherwise, the webpage will not allow you to include the total items to purchase.

2) Select all the accessories required for the delivery and already included in the quote.

3) Add the item to the cart.

4) Proceed to add the items to purchase. 




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